Friday, May 2, 2008

Finally something Bloggers hate more that PR People

Very excited... just found out there might be something that bloggers hate more than PR people.


(Of course... I say that and am not sure that reporters would be able to tell the difference between a telemarketer and a bad PR person).

Twitter in PR

Todd Defren, a PR pro's PR pro, has a great discussion going on his blog about the value that Twitter brings to the PR profession.

His last point is the one that really rings true to me, where he says:

Please note that I am NOT saying, “You can use Twitter to stalk the media!” No, no, no! I am saying you just might be able to forge a true relationship with these folks by interacting with them regularly, and in a purely social, “human” way."

I was in the middle of thinking about a reply to Chris Brogan's question about where I got started in Social Media (side note.... I am trying really hard to not make it something along these lines - which is why I am really struggling to come up with an answer for Chris). His question about advice to new people really got me thinking.

Here's the best advice I can give, but keep in mind it's coming with from a flack, and is likely aimed at the PR community...

Social Media makes the reporters and bloggers that we, as a profession, pitch, into humans. It creates an opportunity to build relationships with actual people, and let's you have more insight to the actual people you're hoping to work with.

In other words... I agree with Todd.