Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The new and the shiny

Here's a confession that most PR people hate to/won't admit:

I didn't have a blackberry and I liked it that way. In the PR field, especially when you've got clients all over the world, you really do expect that clients may need things at weird hours, and my thought was always along the lines of this:

If it's really important, you can call my cell phone.

In a typical day, I am never more than about 4 minutes away from an internet connection, so most likely... I can get a client whatever they need within 15 minutes. I tend to save really important things to Google Docs, that way I can access them anywhere.

Then... last week... it happened. My VP informed me I was getting a blackberry.

In the few days since, I have a few observations, that I thought were worth passing along

  • I am so used to text messaging that having a QWERTY keyboard took some getting used to (I can't tell you how many times I tried to type the letter C and ended up with "aaa")
  • I am literally addicted to it. Out with friends for a drink? Yup... I'm checking my e-mail. First thing I do in the morning and last night I do at night... Yup, I'm checking my e-mail. Waking up at 3am to run to the restroom?... Yup, I'm checking my e-mail. You get the point.
  • I think I have sprained my thumb playing brickbreaker.

So.. there it is. No links or discussions of stuff going on... just my first few days with a blackberry. Any advice for getting myself to step away from it (or worse, any recommendations on apps I should be looking to download?). Hit me up in the comments.

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