Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Netflix streaming might finally make it to my apartment

But it sure wasn't how I expected it to happen. Rumors are flying all over the net that later today, Netflix is going to be coming to an Xbox near you.

First off, I admit it.... this seems like a perfect marriage. The biggest complaint I've heard about Netflix streaming is that it doesn't make it to the TV, rather the computer monitor. For some people... this is a definite non-starter.

If done right, this is an absolutely brilliant move.... which is tough for me to say considering a pretty heavy anti-Microsoft bias. Sure, it might not make me cry (sorry Scobes.... I couldn't help it), but until the announcement later today.... I'm almost at the point of having to tip my hat to Microsoft.

Of course... this brings up a whole new question for me personally.
  1. Microsoft makes Silverlight, which is going to power
  2. Microsoft makes Xbox which is going to be streaming Netflix

Dare I say it.... might there be a way that I can get on a flatscreen?

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